Do you recommend obtaining 24 hour urine ammonium levels in patients with recurrent uric acid nephrolithiasis?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
An astute question! As you imply, uric acid stones have very little to do with uric acid! Otherwise, we would see more sodium urate, potassium urate, and ammonium urate stones, which are very rare. Uric acid (hydrogen urate) stones are highly dependent on a lower-than-normal urine pH. The two main r...
at Medical College of Wisconsin I agree completely!
at University of Chicago Medicine For stone patients, I favor ordering a 24-hour uri...
at Renal Care Associates Got it, thank you Dr. @Coe.
I agree completely!
For stone patients, I favor ordering a 24-hour uri...
Got it, thank you Dr. @Coe.