Cardiovascular pathology : the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology 2023 Sep 06
Consensus statement on the processing, interpretation and reporting of temporal artery biopsy for arteritis.   
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common systemic vasculitis in adults in Europe and North America, typically involving the extra-cranial branches of the carotid arteries and the thoracic aorta. Despite advances in noninvasive imaging, temporal artery biopsy (TAB) remains the gold standard for establishing a GCA diagnosis. The processing of TAB depends largely on individual institutional protocol, and the interpretation and reporting practices vary among pathologists. To address this lack of uniformity, the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology formed a committee tasked with establishing consensus guidelines for the processing, interpretation, and reporting of TAB specimens, based on the existing literature. This consensus statement includes a discussion of the differential diagnoses including other forms of arteritis and noninflammatory changes of the temporal artery.

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