Journal of medical case reports 2014 Mar 04
Cytomegalovirus-associated splenic infarcts in an adult immune-competent man: a case report and review of the literature.   
Cytomegalovirus-associated thrombosis has been extensively reported in the medical literature, mainly in immune-compromised patients. However, the association with splenic infarcts has been rarely mentioned.
We report the case of a 38-year-old Caucasian man of Hellenic origin with acute cytomegalovirus infection presenting with spontaneous splenic infarcts. Echocardiography did not show any vegetations or mural thrombi. Anticoagulation treatment was not considered due to implication of minor vessels and since cytomegalovirus was the probable trigger for thrombosis in this patient.
This case report serves as additional evidence for the role of cytomegalovirus in thrombosis.

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If so, for how long?