Acta Inform Med 2014-04-01
Spinal Dissemination of Intracranial Glioblastoma in Bevacizumab Era: a Potential Bevacizumab-induced Mechanism.   
Spinal metastasis, a devastating neurologic complication of intracranial glioblastomas is not as uncommon as initially thought. It varies from 25% in supratentorial glioblastomas to 60% in infratentorial glioblastomas. The underlying pathogenesis spinal spread of high-grade gliomas is still unclear. To date, no causal responsibility of Bevacizumab (BEV) was noted. Here, we report for the first time, a case of thoracic intramedullary metastases from a cerebral glioblastoma pre-treated with BEV. A critical and exhaustive review is provided.

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In particular, for patients without clinical symptoms, would you image the spine based on any histologic, molecular, or other risk factors?