Do you recommend taking any unique approaches to managing patients with persistent hypertension following bilateral renal artery stenting?
Answer from: at Community Practice
Yes, I will be more aggressive with lipid management, sometimes using PCSK9-INH in addition to a statin, if the cause of the renal artery stenosis was atherosclerotic-related. Also, I typically get yearly ultrasounds to evaluate the patency of the renal artery stents. From a management perspective, ...
at Trinity Health Ann Arbor Hospital I agree.
at Samaritan Healthcare Meds mentioned don't necessarily "wreak havoc" on ...
at Lohe And Hasni Medical Group I am not sure what havoc is being referred to by c...
at Garcia-Estrada Md Kidney Associates Pa Age and etiology of renal artery stenosis. Makes a...
I agree.
Meds mentioned don't necessarily "wreak havoc" on ...
I am not sure what havoc is being referred to by c...
Age and etiology of renal artery stenosis. Makes a...