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Thoracic Malignancies
Medical Oncology
How do you discern between pseudo-progression or hyper-progression in patients with NSCLC or cancers treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors?
How common is hyperprogresion, and are there any strategies to mitigate it?
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How do you counsel patients with Stage IIIA EGFR+ lung cancer regarding treatment intent with concurrent chemoRT + consolidative systemic therapy?
Would you consider stopping EGFR inhibitor in EGFR mutant NSCLC on a patient who was NED for >5 years?
How well does a negative non-contrast MRI of the brain exclude metastasis in a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung?
What is the role of consolidative durvalumab and prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with stage I small cell lung cancer?
What would be the recommended sequencing of adjuvant chemotherapy, osimertinib, and postoperative radiation for a patient with NSCLC who was upstaged to stage III following resection with negative margins?
Would you consider adjuvant osimertinib for NSCLC with an EGFR E746_S752delinsV exon 19 mutation?
Would you use combination of weekly low dose carboplatin and Taxol in patient with small cell lung cancer with poor performance status or cytopenia?
Would you consider using IO alone for lung cancer patients who are PDL1 <1 but have high TMB?
Would you consider omission of PORT for node+ NSCLC with a positive margin in the setting of a high tumor PD-L1 score and plans for immunotherapy?
Which patients with Stage II-III lung adenocarcinoma, in whom you are considering neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy, can you rely on liquid NGS to exclude driver mutations in lieu of repeat tissue biopsy?