How soon after an elective, uncomplicated coronary intervention would you feel comfortable having a patient travel by air?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
Usually, 3-5 days after uncomplicated PCI. But in the era of transradial and 5-fr sheaths, and in the absence of Sx, with preserved LV EF, this may be truncated to 48 hours.
at The George Washington University Hospital Absolutely, no Standard-of-Care for this.
at University at Buffalo - State University of New York I am not sure what is the concern. Is it simply le...
at Bergen Invasive Cardiovascular Consultants Depends on travel and facilities there but no data...
at LSU Health Sci Ctr-New Orleans The next day for an uncomplicated procedure. Longe...
at LSU School Of Medicine Shreveport As noted, there is limited objective data regardin...
at Scripps Clinic John R Anderson V Medical Pavilion Next day for radial access and an uncomplicated pr...
at Yale New Haven Health-Bridgeport Hospital This question comes up quite often from patients, ...
at Penn State Miltons Hershey Medical Center Next day for radial and uncomplicated femoral acce...
Absolutely, no Standard-of-Care for this.
I am not sure what is the concern. Is it simply le...
Depends on travel and facilities there but no data...
The next day for an uncomplicated procedure. Longe...
As noted, there is limited objective data regardin...
Next day for radial access and an uncomplicated pr...
This question comes up quite often from patients, ...
Next day for radial and uncomplicated femoral acce...