

Questions discussed in this category

Do you utilize a standardized script or questionnaire and if so, what types of questions are you including? Would you use JAK inhibitors in patients w...

How do you compare safety to other oral immunosuppressants such as Methotrexate, CellCept, or Azathioprine?

What special considerations or couseling do you provide for pediatric patients that are different from adult patients?

Do you have an age cutoff? I see 16-18 years olds on occasion who are already developing androgenetic alopecia. I'm curious to know if other dermatol...

I prefer dutasteride for its safety and efficacy compared with minoxidil which can interact with different drugs and food. Also, minoxidil is a hyper...

Papers discussed in this category

Dermatologic therapy, 2018-11

J Dermatolog Treat, 2020 Apr 23