Questions discussed in this category
I have seen some patients who may undergo large complex closures (sometimes as a separate procedure) for smaller lesions with resulting scars that sig...
Majority of patients on the seminal trial (Gross et al., PMID 36094839) had tumors isolated to head & neck, what was the rationale for this?
Do you base your decision on extent of residual disease?
Does the use of (neo)adjuvant immunotherapy have an impact on surgical site size or he...
Is a placebo-controlled trial anticipated?
The lesion is still ulcerative despite wound care for two months. Would you treat immediately or wait for healing? Would hyperbaric oxygen to heal ful...
Papers discussed in this category
Arthritis Rheumatol, 2016 Jan
N Engl J Med, 2022 Sep 12
Front Oncol, 2023 Jan 04
Br J Dermatol, 2015 Aug 08
British journal of cancer, 2023 Feb 04
J. Clin. Oncol., 2018 Mar 14