What radiation regimen do you use to palliate bulky melanoma metastases involving the oral cavity?  

In this case, I have a patient with widely metastatic cutaneous melanoma (BRAF wild type, NRAS mutated) who is progressing through pembrolizumab and is being switched to ipilimumab/nivolumab.  He has a bulky masseter lesion making it difficult for him to chew.  Would you treat with 300cGyx10 or use an alternate hyofractionated regimen?

Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
Radiation Oncologist at Karmanos Cancer Institute - McLaren Proton Therapy Center
Correction: the renal cell patient dose was 9 Gy x...
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Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Radiation Oncologist at Mon Health
Thank you, what are your thoughts about 6 Gy x 5, ...
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