What screening criteria do you use to give patients IV contrast for the CT sim?
Are there kidney issues in which you would omit IV contrast?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is an extremely frustrating and commonly encountered scenario in radiation oncology clinic (and the diagnostic CT suite). What is most frustrating is how stubbornly the dogma of contrast-induced nephropathy has persisted, and the vast amount of needlessly wasted resources spent worrying ab...
Radiation Oncologist at Mountain Radiation Oncology Well researched. However, in an environment with m...
Radiation Oncologist at Ohio State University James Cancer Center That is one philosophy. Another is to allow eviden...
Radiation Oncologist at Epic Care Please see ACR published guidelines on iodinated c...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is something that comes up all the time, and is frustrating because each radiologist that you ask has their own personal threshold. My resident recently found this on the 2020 ACR appropriateness criteria for IV contrast, and it is very useful as a standard. My own personal threshold now is a G...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
For an actual screening process, if you're setting up a new department, a good place to start would be to go borrow the process and check list from your diagnostic imaging department.
You need a system in place so that you don't inadvertently give contrast to somebody on metformin without stopping ...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Our CT sim techs require a creatinine within the last 30 days (which can be flexible with physician approval) to be below 1.5, our usual cut-off to give contrast. If between 1.3 and 1.5, the techs and physician generally try to coordinate some amount of IV hydration if we feel that it's due to dehyd...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
An important point is to notify medical malpractice carrier of the decision to administer IV contrast within the department; when I checked this box on an annual update form, my rates doubled and I promptly decided that I would offload that work back to the radiology department, which is already pay...
Well researched. However, in an environment with m...
That is one philosophy. Another is to allow eviden...
Please see ACR published guidelines on iodinated c...