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Radiation Oncology
Thoracic Malignancies
Is there a role for radiation to the primary mediastinal disease in metastatic thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma with the primary as the only residual disease after systemic therapy?
What dose would you use to treat?
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How would you approach an in-field recurrence after lung SBRT for a T1 NSCLC in a patient with poor underlying lung function?
In a patient with node-positive limited-stage small cell lung cancer, how do you approach radiation in a patient whose small primary tumor resolves after one cycle of chemotherapy?
Do you use any drugs prophylactically to reduce the risk of radiation pneumonitis in lung SBRT?
How would you approach local therapy (surgery or RT) in a patient with radiographic complete response after chemoimmunotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer?
What are your top takeaways in Thoracic Cancers from ASTRO 2024?
What systemic therapy would you offer to a patient with metastatic EGFR exon 19 deleted NSCLC to the brain with isolated CNS progression while on osimertinib 80 mg and progressed through WBRT?
Do you still offer adjuvant chemotherapy and chemoradiation for NSCLC after neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy?
How would you post-operatively manage a peripheral stage I small cell lung carcinoma s/p upfront wedge resection with an R1 microscopic positive margin along the staple line and visceral pleural invasion?
Would you offer consolidative radiotherapy for oligometastatic NSCLC?
Do you have different hotspot and heterogeneity goals for SBRT of ground glass lesions vs more solid adenocarcinoma NSCLC lesions?