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Please select the option that best describes you:
Breast Cancer
Medical Oncology
Breast Cancer, Non-metastatic
Do you have concerns about the generalizability of Oncotype testing/Mammaprint testing in making chemotherapy decisions for non-Caucasian women?
For example, women of southeast Asian descent.
Related Questions
How do you approach ovarian function suppression in premenopausal women with HR+/HER2-, node negative breast cancer and intermediate OncoType dx scores (11-25) who received chemotherapy?
Would you avoid chemotherapy in a postmenopausal woman age >65 with T3 HR+/HER2 negative with Oncotype DX < 25?
How would you approach adjuvant therapy for large (≥4 cm), node negative, HR+, HER2- breast cancer in an elderly woman with comorbidities including neuropathy?
Would you give adjuvant Tamoxifen to a premenopausal with ER+/PR+/Her2- Stage IA [pT1a, pN0(I+1)] breast cancer s/p bilateral mastectomies?
Does the degree of hormone receptor positivity influence your decision to perform Oncotype testing?
With the recent FDA approval of adjuvant ribociclib, how are you deciding between ribociclib and abemaciclib for high risk HR+/HER2− early breast cancer?
For pre or perimenopausal women with early stage, hormone positive breast cancer who refuse to stop HRT (for severe perimenopausal symptoms - severe depression/anxiety/very low energy/vaginal dryness and pain with sex that's failed vaginal estrogen therapy), do you still recommend Tamoxifen or other endocrine therapy in addition to the HRT that is being taken?
How would you decide the duration of ovarian suppression in premenopausal females with early stage ER+ breast cancer?
What adjuvant systemic therapy would you give a patient with pN2 nodal relapse of ER+/HER2- breast cancer now s/p ALND, after initial mastectomy, adjuvant TC, and 5 years of endocrine therapy?
Would you offer adjuvant endocrine therapy for a postmenopausal female with stage III triple positive multicentric breast cancer (DCIS and invasive ductal carcinoma) s/p neoadjuvant TCHP followed by bilateral mastectomy with no residual disease?