What is your approach to the use of Paxlovid for patients with risk factors for severe Covid-19 infection but who have received SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in light of the EPIC-SR trial findings?
Although EPIC-SR Trial may not have shown a significant benefit of paxlovid in standard-risk patients regardless of vaccination status, EPIC HR and real-world evidence have shown benefits in high-risk populations. Shared decision-making with the patient is always the best policy.Disclosure: I have r...
Hopefully, the question is moot. Two days ago, I asked my team when the last time we had a patient who even tested COVID+. I couldn't remember any. We may have had 1 patient, who tested COVID+ in the last 3 months. We haven't had a patient, who was ill from COVID, in a year or so. An interesting dev...
Due to my first-hand experience of taking Paxlovid as well as my immediate friends and family, I prefer to take it rather than just wait for natural immunity to work. COVID-19 has caused so many long-term side effects, so do not want those clots or fibrosis to happen. I was able to bounce back to my...