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Thoracic Malignancies
Medical Oncology
NCI-CCC Tumor Board Question
Non-small cell lung cancer
NCI-CCC Thoracic Tumor Board Question
Due to the high incidence of hyperlipidemia secondary to lorlatinib, do you provide empiric statin therapy to all patients without known contraindications upon initiation of lorlatinib?
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In cases where EGFR NSCLC has transformed into small-cell lung cancer after treatment with Osimertinib, and with no CNS involvement, is it advisable to continue osimertinib alongside chemotherapy?
What is your preferred approach for managing oligoprogressive NSCLC during second-line or later systemic therapy if patient is otherwise responding well at other sites of disease?
For NSCLC patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy and surgery with ypN2 disease, what factors would cause you to recommend PORT?
How would you approach local therapy (surgery or RT) in a patient with radiographic complete response after chemoimmunotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer?
Which patients with Stage II-III lung adenocarcinoma, in whom you are considering neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy, can you rely on liquid NGS to exclude driver mutations in lieu of repeat tissue biopsy?
How do you treat Stage IIIC T4N3 NSCLC?
How do you approach a patient with stage IIA non-small cell lung cancer who received SBRT?
Given the results of LU002 presented at ASCO 2024, are there situations and/or patient subgroups who still derive benefit from local consolidative therapy for oligometastatic NSCLC?
How would you approach first-line treatment in metastatic NSCLC for a patient with ALK-EML4 V3a/b variant and MSI-high status?
Under what circumstances, if any, would you wait on initiating a TKI for metastatic recurrence of a Stage III NSCLC which occurred while on consolidative durvalumab to minimize pneumonitis risk?