What is your preferred third antimicrobial agent for a patient with treatment-naive pulmonary MAC without cavitary disease and strict contraindications to utilization of rifampin or rifabutin?
Answer from: at Community Practice
There’s no clear winner yet. Inhaled liposomal amikacin solution has good potential and the data is trending this way with earlier clearance shown but the long-term outcomes, I believe are still pending. I’m relatively unconvinced or underwhelmed by moxi but as a third drug in the seemin...
at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Fully agree with the caveat that would go to clofa...
If there is no macrolide resistance I would cautiously try 2 drug rx. There is a study going on now at Stanford and UCSF, and possibly others looking at this.
Fully agree with the caveat that would go to clofa...