How do you approach salvage of a local-only recrurrence of prostate cancer after definitive external beam radiation?
What makes you favor ADT vs local therapy? Any preferred local therapy options? Any other special considerations?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Community Practice
We continue to prefer "zero margin" whole gland "HDR-like" SBRT for this circumstance for prior external beam RT cases, *34 Gy/5 fx, though would exclude any patient that has preexisting grade 2 or higher toxicity from their original RT course (otherwise, no specific exclusions, if the metastatic w/...
Radiation Oncologist at Coastal Radiation Oncology Are there any unique concerns for patients with lo...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
This is not an uncommon situation. The first thing to do is to assess the patient. If the PSA is rising slowly and life expectancy is short, observation without any intervention may be the best approach. If this is not the situation, then assure there is no evidence of regional or distant metastasis...
Radiation Oncologist at Institute for Academic Medicine Houston Methodist Another option would be to use SBRT for re-irradia...
Are there any unique concerns for patients with lo...