

Questions discussed in this category

Trial has included diazoxide, decadron, verapamil and pasireotide with ongoing overnight lows.

We know canagliflozin is not given to patients with amputations, what about other SGLT2 inhibitors

I have a longstanding patient with diabetes and a consistently significant difference between CGM average and that predicted by serum A1c. The CGM avg...

There is a current recommendation from the anesthesia society to hold one dose of GLP-RA prior to general anesthesia. Given the long half-life of the ...

Papers discussed in this category

JAMA, 2021 Apr 13

Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders, 2017 May 08

Diabetes care, 2011-09

Nutrients, 2023 Aug 18

Endocrine reviews, 2019 Feb 01

Endocrine, 2019 Nov 21

JMIR diabetes, 2023 Sep 11

The New England journal of medicine, 2024 Apr 06

The New England journal of medicine, 2016 Sep 15

Diabetes Care, 2024 Jan 1

Diabetes care, 1999-08

Diabetes research and clinical practice, 1994 Jan

Clinical endocrinology, 2020 Feb 26

Frontiers in pharmacology, 2023 Mar 16

Nutrition & diabetes, 2019 Nov 04

Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 2019 Aug 19

BMC endocrine disorders, 2021 Sep 16

The New England journal of medicine, 2023 Oct 18