Myeloproliferative Neoplasms   

Questions discussed in this category

If a patient is unable to tolerate peginterferon, is there any reason to think they may do better with ropeginterferon? 

Do you consider "bridging" therapy prior to transplant, and if so, what are your thoughts on the intensity of the chemotherapy?  

In a patient with no evidence of bleeding, do you use a platelet cutoff? Do you utilize genomic testing (eg CALR, MPL, JAK2, etc.) to decide on cytore...

Despite distinguishing between the three MPNs, results may not change management.  There is controversy over whether to follow WHO criteria for d...

Ropeginterferon is now a preferred therapy for Polycythemia Vera (PV) as per a recent update to the NCCN guidelines.

Aside from addressing the underlying case, is there a role for phlebotomy in secondary polycythemia such as in COPD or post-renal transplant erythrocy...

Does the anagrelide shortage play a role in your decision-making? Do you avoid anagrelide in general?

Such as in a patient with essential thrombocythemia with a CALR mutation, younger than age 60, no history of thrombosis, no bleeding or vasomotor symp...

If so, would you do bone marrow biopsy or send for NGS panel in blood to look for high risk mutations? NCCN lists this as the risk criteria. 

If so, what platelet count threshold would you use? Would age impact your decision? Would you do a bone marrow to rule out primary MPD in adults if th...

What parameters/goals/targets do you use?  Do you treat PV, ET, and MF differently?

Please specify your approach in elective and emergency surgical situations

Secondary MF such as post-PV, for example. Do you apply the same prognostic scoring systems? 

i.e. treatment-refractory PV, prior to progression to PMF or AML

Would the presence of JAK2 versus CALR versus MPL influence this decision? What if there are other risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

This is in the setting of a patient who is now on ruxolitinib with rising leukocytosis and thrombocytosis, but cannot be on aspirin due to recent blee...

Do you ever recheck JAK2/CALR/MPL/BCR-ABL? Would you recommend a bone marrow biopsy? Is cytoreductive therapy indicated?

Is there a role for aspirin or hydroxyurea? Do you perform phlebotomy, and if so, what goals?

Would you get bone marrow biopsy periodically? Would your approach change based off specific age or platelet count?  

Is this a reason to start hydrea? Would you give oral iron after adequate control on hydrea?

Would this change with someone who has a history of thrombosis (e.g. DVT/PE, MI, CVA)? Would this change with someone who is more fit vs more frail?

Do you recommend therapeutic phlebotomy to a certain Hct goal? Any strong evidence for thromboembolic risk related to erythrocytosis or if this is mit...

For example, a patient on cytoreductive therapy and aspirin BID, but suffers an arterial event, or a patient who is already on therapeutic anticoagula...

Individuals with MPNs may be at higher risk for thrombosis and be placed on antiplatelet therapy or even anticoagulation because of prior thrombosis. ...

Would you modify the radiation dose or field in this setting? Would you pre-emptively dose reduce chemotherapy, or modify the dosing of ruxolitinib?

In patients who are intolerant to hydroxyurea, anagrelide and interferon

Papers discussed in this category

Chest, 1975-12

Clin Nephrol,

Eur J Intern Med, 2016 Dec 02

Ann Hematol, 2017 Nov 21

Blood Cancer J, 2018 Feb 09

Blood, 2017 May 08

American journal of hematology, 2019-04

Blood, 2016-01-21

Medicine (Baltimore),

N Engl J Med,

Lancet Haematol, 2020 Jan 31

Leukemia, 2021 May 19

Br J Haematol,

Haematologica, 2010-07

Exp Hematol, 2008 Nov

Blood, 2008-07-15

N Engl J Med, 2017 Jun 1

Ann Intern Med,

Leukemia, 2021 Apr 28

Archives of internal medicine, 2006-07-10

The American journal of medicine, 1997-01

Br J Haematol,

Haematologica, 2019 Aug 14


Blood Cancer J, 2018 Nov 12

J Clin Oncol, 2018 Aug 28

Leukemia, 2021 Mar 02

Blood, 2019 Jul 25

Am J Med,

Leuk Res, 2020 Nov

Am J Hematol, 2020 Oct 23

Blood Adv, 2020 Dec 22

Blood advances, 2024 May 13

JAMA network open, 2019 Oct 02

Blood, 2020 Jul 09

Gaceta medica de Mexico, 2016 May-Jun

Blood, 2012-07-19

Blood cancer journal, 2017 Mar 10

Scandinavian journal of haematology, 1967 Dec

Blood, 2007 Sep 20

Blood, 2010-04-08

Seminars in hematology, 1986-04

N Engl J Med, 2014 Aug 28

Blood, 2022 May 12

Haematologica, 2019 Apr 04

Blood, 1997 Nov 01

Blood, 2023 Nov 30

Blood, 2008 Jan 10

Lancet (London, England), 1978 Dec 09

Blood, 2014 Jan 29

Blood, 2013 Dec 23

Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, 2023 Dec 01

American journal of hematology, 2022 Oct 14

Haematologica, 2022 May 01

Leukemia, 2023 Sep 19